Roubo Workbench
Had an cruddy workbench made of 2x6 and plywood, was way too flimsy, could have been built better but it was also WAYY bigger than I needed. So I downsized to a roubo workbench and boy am I happy with the results!! It was an on and off project due to college but was able to finish before summer started! The top is 2-1/2” thick and made of ash, the legs are also made of ash and are attached to the top with wedged mortise and tenons as well as sliding dovetails. The stretchers are made of cherry and are attached by drawbore mortise and tenon joints my first time ever doing that! The sliding deadman is also made of cherry and runs along a strip of oak and is removable if needed. The leg vise is made of cheery and black walnut, I decided that I want it to be one of the main focal points of the bench and ohhh boy am I happy with it, I had a beautiful piece of black walnut crotch to bookmatch! The top consists of a tail vise and the vise hardware for both were simply a vise screw made by yost, the tail vise was a little tricky but it works great! The drawers underneath are constructed with a cherry face frame and ash drawer fronts with custom black walnut handles inspired by Brad from Fix This Build That! The top 4 drawers have kaizen foam inserts to help organize my most used tools! #workbench #roubo #ash #cherry #walnut #legvise #tailvise #sawdustboogers