Mid-Century Coffee Table, Walnut and Red Oak
A wedding gift for a couple good friends who got married in July 2019. Completed in April 2020.
#woodworking #wedding #midcentury
Completed photo first, as is tradition.
Plans part 1.
Detail illustration of the magic triangles.
Rough walnut for a sense of size
Un-dimensioned red oak
This kinda looks like a cyberman from Dr. Who.
Magic triangle
Make dovetails to go in the magic triangle.
Base in progress
Base ready for glue. My wife says this looks like one of those robots from Boston Dynamics.
Planed wood with boards arranged pleasantly.
Table top glue up with cauls for flattening.
Getting closer
Beveled the bottom, but no pictures of that. All by hand with scrub, jack, and smoothing planes.
Top with finish, but not yet finalized.
Bottom with finish. Check the bevels.
Glamour Shot 2
Glamour Shot 3
Glamour Shot 4
Oh no! The table died!