Dovetailed Walnut Elevated Dog Dish
My name is Isaac and I'm a mixed breed border collie. I am very sad. My human has made tons of beautiful human furniture around the house but I still have to eat my dry dog food from an ugly food dish holder. I have a feeling the future holds brighter days.

This is my old dish holder. It's so embarrassing...

It makes me sad. My human has been working on a new project though. Maybe it is finally my turn!

"Scrap" 6/4 left over from a Maloof Chair build. This should do just fine for dog dish holder.

Resewing the walnut. Shooting for 5/8" final thickness.

Laying out the sides.

Hand cut dovetails joined it all together. These weren't my best dovetails ever, but it's been a while since I've made any. I subscribe to tails first dovetails. Scribe all the way around and mark out 10 deg dovetails. Cut with a super thin back saw and finish with chisel.

Glued and clamped.

The dovetails turned out better than I expect. This was the best of the 4.

The top is re-sawn and book matched. Two bowls just barely fit on it.

I cut out the bowl holes on the band saw and glued it to the base. I added a support under the center all the way across to firm up the weak cross grain. A trim router was used around the outside to trim the excess and a 1/4" roundover was used to smooth the corners.

After sanding up to 220 grit it is ready for some polyurethane. Typically my go-to finish for walnut is BLO or BLO with beeswax but this thing is going to see some doggy slobber so I went with something a bit more durable.

First coat of poly is on.

I knew it! He WAS working on something for MEE!!!!! I am so happy!

Finished product in the sunlight.
Wow this is really nice. Great job on it!