Spring 2020 Woodworking Contest
Tired of being stuck in the house without anything to do? Well get out in the shop and make something and enter for a chance to win a router sled in the Spring 2020 Woodworking contest! The contest is not limited to any one project type, so enter anything you want(Including as many projects as you want!). You have until June 30, 2020 to enter your projects for a chance to win.
This contest is sponsored by Cleancut Woodworking. He currently offers router sleds in the following configurations:
30”W x40”L is $390 delivered
40x60 is $500 delivered
60x60 is $560 delivered
All those prices are based on US delivery.
Contest Rules
- You must document your work here on SimpleCove.com with at least 5 photos with descriptions or a build video. With more and more people uploading build videos to YouTube, I will allow build videos but you must upload at least 5 photos of the final project.
- You must be a SimpleCove.com member and at least 18 years of age at the time of the entry.
- You can enter as many projects into the contest as you like, but only one prize per person will be awarded.
- Prizes are restricted to participants living in the continental United States and Canada(Quebec Excluded).
- The contest begins 12:00 a.m. EST on Friday, May 15, 2020, and entries for the contest must be published no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, June 30, 2020.
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
69 Contest Entries
Contest Prizes
First Place
- 30"W x 40"L Router Sled ($390 Shipped MSRP) - Router not included
- SimpleCove T-Shirt ($15.99 MSRP)
- SimpleCove.com PRO Account Upgrade (Priceless)
Router sled sponsored by Cleancut Woodworking