Tiny Cherry Frame
This tiny cherry frame started off as a test run for a spline jig I had just finished making for the table saw, but I saw an opportunity to give it a more glamorous life. Though I am not a stamp collector, I do enjoy displaying items that will inspire and bring joy, John Oliver's Mr. Nutterbutter in this case. While it turned out pretty well, there are definitely some things I would do differently on the next go round. The first is I would have cut the recess where the art sits before gluing it up. Routing it after the fact with some chisel clean up wasn't easy. Given I wasn't planning on actually using the frame initially, this isn't a lesson learned but reinforcement that the recess needs to be completed first. I also am learning that the more I use soft maple the more I don't like working with it, it is more delicate than I thought it would be.
#cherry #frame #spines #maple #scrapwood
I've seen several methods in use for performing miter cut glue ups on frames, figured for the small size I would try the blue painters tape method.
Fits perfectly in the spline jig.
Splines slots cut. Nice and clean though a little off center.
Splines glued in place. Used some soft maple for them.
Before finish.
After finish, two coats of Watco Danish Oil. Came out pretty well, though the maple splines seemed to have moved closer in color to the cherry.
Piece inserted and placed on the wall in the home office. Enjoy the new home Mr. Nutterbutter.