Fitting the back and door panel, finishing up the cabinet

author-gravatar guyswoodshop Aug 09, 2016

In the last video of this build series, I start by gluing up the panels. Then I carefully fit the back and door panels to the case.

After they have been fit, I hang the door (twice, you'll have to see what happened in the video). Then I make the chisel rack for the inside of the cabinet. 

With those installed, I can apply the final coat of wax on the piece, install the door and then it's finished!

A SketchUp file for this project can be downloaded here:

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Beautiful  work. I have really enjoyed  the serious and it's  great to see the mistakes and how you fixed them. The playing  cards are a great trick. I will use that in the future. Looking forward  to the next project.

Thanks Guy!

What a great series this has been.  Love your warts and all approach to these videos. Your work and explanations are terrific on why and how you choose what you do.  This cabinet is on my short list of projects to complete.  

Woodworking has been one "rabbit hole" (or rabbet hole if you prefer) after another. Guy's Woodshop and all his videos haven't been as much of a rabbit hole as a source of learning for me.  Look forward to more videos in the future.  

I really enjoyed this series.  I especially like seeing the masters make mistakes, as it makes me a little less self conscious about all the mistakes I make.  I tend to just put my projects with their numerous mistakes in a dark corner, and hope nobody see them.  It's never occurred to me to try to fix them.  

Thank you Guy for creating the videos and cabinet, and thank you Sean for hosting it!  

Thanks Guy for the video series. It was absolutely awesome! 

Thanks Tony! The paying card wedge is a great trick, and can really help when doing inset door panels especially.

@mountaintopTony  said:

Beautiful  work. I have really enjoyed  the serious and it's  great to see the mistakes and how you fixed them. The playing  cards are a great trick. I will use that in the future. Looking forward  to the next project.

Thanks Joe! Glad you enjoyed the series. I hope to one day doing another guild build here on The nice thing about what Sean has done here is that anyone can post something like this for the entire community. I had a lot of fun doing this!

@vistacruiser  said:

Thanks Guy!

What a great series this has been.  Love your warts and all approach to these videos. Your work and explanations are terrific on why and how you choose what you do.  This cabinet is on my short list of projects to complete.  

Woodworking has been one "rabbit hole" (or rabbet hole if you prefer) after another. Guy's Woodshop and all his videos haven't been as much of a rabbit hole as a source of learning for me.  Look forward to more videos in the future.  

Thanks Scott! Everyone makes mistakes, I seem to have made quite a few on this project. I would rather try to fix them rather than completely remake components. Glad you enjoyed the series!

@ScottH61  said:

I really enjoyed this series.  I especially like seeing the masters make mistakes, as it makes me a little less self conscious about all the mistakes I make.  I tend to just put my projects with their numerous mistakes in a dark corner, and hope nobody see them.  It's never occurred to me to try to fix them.  

Thank you Guy for creating the videos and cabinet, and thank you Sean for hosting it!  

Hey Donny! Glad you enjoyed the series my friend. When do your plan on making one for yourself?

@DonnyCarter  said:

Thanks Guy for the video series. It was absolutely awesome! 

Thanks Steve! I can't believe how many things I buggered up while making his cabinet.

@SL1800  said:

It turned out great Guy!!

Excellent video, Guy. I just finished it. Thanks again for doing the guild build!

Had a lot of fun making it! It's a great community here!

@Sean  said:

Excellent video, Guy. I just finished it. Thanks again for doing the guild build!

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