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Platter - Lathe Project

author-gravatar WoodGate Apr 20, 2020

This was another quick weekend project. This 12 1/2" platter is made from Walnut, Poplar and Cherry. It is just about the largest piece I can do on my lathe. I did have some issues with the outer edge getting a lot of "chatter" while trying to mill it down. It really tried hard to catch and it was all I could do to be super careful and not allow the catch to happen. I ended up taking super small bits off that outer rim until it was where I wanted it. I'd say 90% of my time was spent on that outer rim! Platter was sanded to 600 grit and finished in satin poly. 

#lathe #turnedplatter

Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project
Photo of Platter - Lathe Project


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