Stickley Console Table
As part of my commitment to share my work more, here is a console table I finished in early April. After browsing Stickley’s site, I became inspired to produce some Arts & Crafts style furniture for our entry way & living room. I really like the lines of this mission style furniture, particularly the use of QSWO. Construction mainly consisted of floating tenons, the drawer construction is dovetailed soft maple. I ended up using side mount drawer slides and wish I would’ve just used some light duty under mounts instead; I was concerned about losing drawer depth. The finish on this piece (as well as the clock) was achieved by following Jeff Jewitt’s mission oak finish technique. It’s a multi step process that takes some time but its all worth it in the end I think. I went back and forth on different drawer pulls but ultimately went with authentic Stickley hardware that was purchased through Rockler, while not cheap, I thought it only made sense to go authentic. Thanks for viewing.

You nailed it on this one Dustin. From the joinery to the finish, this build is really nice. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Sean! I'll upload the matching coffee table soon!
Thanks Sean! I'll upload the matching coffee table soon!
Man, Dustin, if you have anything on that clock, post it up too.
Really terrific stuff.